Preparing for Off-Road Driving

Preparing for Off-Road Driving

Before heading out on your next off-roading adventure, be it a new trail or a place you’ve hit the dirt for years, it is important to be prepared and stocked up on the essentials. Getting well acquainted with the basics is crucial to becoming an expert off-roader and can make you feel all the better…

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The Most Common Car Problems to Check for After Off-Roading

The Most Common Car Problems to Check for After Off-Roading

The thrill and excitement of off-roading over rocks, hills, mud pits, and canyons cannot be denied, but it is wise to be prepared and well-equipped for any vehicle issues before heading off onto the road less traveled. No matter your experience level, you should know that breakdowns can and will happen from time to time.…

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Off-Roading 101: Common Mistakes to Avoid

Off-Roading 101: Common Mistakes to Avoid

Going outside to enjoy the sunshine and sights might mean hiking or fishing for some. But, going off-roading means you get all those benefits, plus a lot more fun and adrenaline than a casual walk through nature.  If you want to spend time with your family, you’re in good company – 76% of people who…

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7 Best Off-Road Upgrades and Modifications For Your 4×4

You have just purchased your first 4×4 off-road vehicle. Understandably, you immediately want to hit the trails, take in out on the beach, or pick another more remote location to enjoy some awesome outdoor activities. After all, 4x4s are designed for exploring the wilderness and taking them off-road is when they really come into their…

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Car AC Recharge: What Is It And Why Is It Important?

You probably won’t be paying too much attention to your car’s air conditioning system until it ceases to function properly in scorching hot weather. A faulty air conditioner is more than just an inconvenience. It can also cause potential risks, especially if you are stuck in a line of traffic with the temperature soaring inside…

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8 Car and Engine Noises You Shouldn’t Ignore

Every motorist is familiar with that dreadful feeling that comes when you hear an unusual sound come from your vehicle. We instantly think of the worst case scenario, but it is always worth taking a few minutes to assess whether you’re dealing with a severe problem that needs to be addressed immediately, or whether it…

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Off-Roading in The Sand: Tips & Tricks You Should Know

One of the highlights of off-roading is that it’s always a new experience every time you hit the sand. Off-roaders have discovered that riding across the dunes can be both enjoyable and adventurous. If you are preparing to head to the desert, now is the moment to put your sand skills into action. Sand driving,…

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6 Signs You Need New Brake Pads

An intricate network of parts springs to action when your foot hits the brake pedal in your vehicle. At least, well, they’re supposed to. Regular brake maintenance is not only a good idea, it could be life-changing for you and others if you neglect them. Maintaining brakes on an off-road vehicle is no different. Brake…

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How Do I Know If My Car’s AC Needs To Be Fixed?

Does your car’s AC seem like it’s just not as cold as it used to be? Car owners face this kind of dilemma quite often, and finding the root of the problem may even be a nuisance, resulting in many turning a blind eye to it until summer hits and disaster strikes.  It often isn’t…

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What Are The Most Common Diesel Engine Problems?

Do you find yourself occasionally experiencing engine issues while traveling or on road trips? While diesel engines are more fuel-efficient than standard gas vehicles, that does not mean they are immune to numerous problems throughout their lives. Although regular wear and tear are part of an engine’s life cycle, several common diesel engine issues may…

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Off-Road Vehicle Maintenance Tips

You’ve always wanted an off-road vehicle. Now that you’re the new owner of one, you want to do everything possible to maintain it properly. You may make you feel like you’re in over your head. Many people face these thoughts once they’ve bought their new off-road vehicle. Now that you know you’re not alone, you…

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How Often Do I Really Need to Change My Oil?

The last thing you want to encounter when off-roading is a chug, a sputter, and a breakdown. Making sure you keep the oil fresh is paramount to reducing the risk out on the trails. Engine oil needs to be changed regularly and is one job you have to keep at the top of your list.…

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Off-Roading Safety Tips You Need to Know

For most drivers, a dirty, bumpy, and uneven road would be cause to take a different route or turn around. But for some drivers, the rougher the road, the better. In fact, for those who love off-roading, no road is the best experience of all. Whether you are new to off-roading or a mudder who…

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Is Off-Roading Bad for the Environment?

Off-roading is an exciting outdoor activity, sport, and passion for many people. Because off-roading takes place in national parks, trails, forests, dunes, and other naturally beautiful places, being responsible and keeping the area looking how you left it is important for both other riders and drivers, as well as the environment. Responsible off-roading is important…

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Top 5 Tips To Avoid Accidents This Summer

Staying safe on the road is more important than ever. With the world returning to life as normal, getting back into the swing of the daily commute is a must, which means staying alert and doing everything in your power to be responsible on the road.  Here are 5 safety tips to get you headed…

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What to Look For in an Off Road Vehicle

Choosing the right vehicle to start your off roading adventure can be overwhelming. And if you aren’t sure where to start, you’ve come to the right place. Auto manufacturers love to show off their vehicles’ offroad capabilities to make you believe that their vehicle is the most capable one out there. But how do you…

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What‌ ‌Are‌ ‌Aftermarket‌ ‌Parts?‌

If you own an automobile, chances are that you will have to make repairs to that vehicle at some point in time. The Bureau of Transportation Statistics reports that in 2020, the average age of an automobile in operation in the United States was 11.9 years old. With vehicles staying on the road longer and…

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What Makes a Diesel Engine Different and Unique?

There’s a thrill in the hunt for your next vehicle. From reading reviews, looking at safety reports, and checking over all the new options available, whether it’s for your daily drive, offroading only, or longer road trips. This is an investment, right? You want to be smart with your money, and keep an eye out…

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5 Great Offroading Ideas In The Portland Area

Summer is here, and we know you are ready for some offroading adventures. In Portland and the surrounding area, we are lucky to have many great spots for hitting the dirt. When you work hard and play harder, your vehicle needs to be ready to perform with the best off-road equipment available. Whether you are…

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