Do’s and Don’ts of the Offroading World

Are you interested in offroading? Do you have your vehicle and know where you’d like to go? Have you done your homework about beginning your offroad adventure?

Now that you have done your homework and feel like you are ready, you now need to know acceptable behaviors in the offroading world. So what should you review before offroading, and what shouldn’t you do when you get there? 

Every offroading experience is unique, and a sort of checklist will help guide you through the do’s and don’ts.  Let’s get started.

What Do You Need To Prepare For Offroading?

Since every offroading experience is different, there are steps to ensure adequate preparation. For example, if your vehicle is ready for light trail rides, you need to know what you are getting into if you choose a more challenging trail. 

When you are ready for your first excursion, you need to know what to do and not do. The vehicle and tools you have are great, but now you need the skills. 

DO: Bring The Right Tools And Supplies

Anything can happen when you are offroading, especially if you are out on an extended trip in an isolated area. You will need personal supplies, tools, safety items, and other essentials. Let’s break these down into a checklist:

Personal Supplies

  • Water
  • Food
  • Spare clothing
  • Sunscreen
  • Rain jacket
  • Two-way radios
  • GPS
  • Trash bags


  • Shovel
  • D-Ring
  • Tow straps
  • Winch kit
  • Pulley strap
  • Jack
  • Spare tire
  • Hand tools
  • Duct tape
  • Bungee cords
  • Rope
  • Rags

Safety Items

  • Safety glasses
  • Gloves
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Flares
  • Tarp
  • Flashlights
  • Waterproof matches
  • First aid kit
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Medications

DO: Have A Plan

You need a plan when going offroading. You want to be safe and still have fun. Bring a map and GPS with you so you don’t get lost, and be sure to stay on the trails. If it is a park area, speak to staff to find out as many details as you can. 

Pay attention to the weather. Depending upon the weather changes, it could make your trip much more adventurous, or it could be disastrous!

DO: Be Prepared

Determine the type of trail and terrain you will be experiencing and adjust your tire pressure accordingly. Assess whether you need to let some of the air out of your tires to avoid getting stuck. 

Prepare for the upcoming weather if it means extra mud, tarps, or taking additional safety precautions. 

DO: Check Your Vehicle

When a school bus begins their trip to pick up students or bring them home, they have a pre-trip checklist. Every single trip (multiple times per day), they are required to complete a pre-trip checklist. An offroad checklist should be just as crucial for your vehicle every time you go offroad. 

What types of checking should be on your checklist? Check the following:

  • Oil – Transmission, and Engine
  • Brake fluid
  • Radiator coolant
  • Windshield wash
  • Fan belts
  • Hoses
  • Air cleaner
  • Seatbelts
  • Tire pressure
  • Tire tread
  • Driveshaft bolts
  • Lug bolts
  • Frame
  • Brake pads and shoes
  • Winch
  • Shocks

DO: Avoid Standing Water

If you drive through standing water without knowing the terrain, you could quickly get stuck or injured. In addition, you will likely not know what is beneath the standing water. Driving through standing water is not like going through mud, and you and your vehicle could end up four feet deep and stuck. 

Beneath the puddles are a layer of silt which you can get stuck in more entirely than mud. You don’t want your adventure to end prematurely. Stay away from these puddles and keep having fun.

DO: Make Sure You Have Enough Gas

There aren’t gas stations on the trails, and you want to keep enjoying your adventure as long as possible. So start with a full tank of gas, so not only can you keep having fun for as long as possible, but you also don’t want to get stuck out on the trails after running out of gas. 

It can be very dull waiting hours for someone to bring you emergency gas. 

DON’T: Go Alone

When it comes to adventurous activities, it is always essential to bring a buddy, or better yet, a group of like-minded friends. Of course, the fun is always better with more people, but it is also necessary for safety. 

Ensure people know where you are going, how long you expect to be there, and who is going with you. Bring a cell phone for emergency contact and two-way radios for your group to communicate with one another. 

DON’T: Improvise

Take the time you need to complete your checklist, replenish supplies, and a complete set of tools. Follow the checklist and don’t skip tasks. 

Tips and tasks have been developed over time as others have encountered certain hardships during their adventures. While you are a beginner, do not improvise. Instead, follow what others have found to be successful. 

DON’T: Overthink It

The first couple of times out on your adventure may be a bit scary, but if your friends are veteran offroaders, they will surely help you. After you go out a few times, you will get the hang of it and feel more comfortable. 

Just make sure you learn as much as you can and have the right equipment before heading out on your first adventure.

Time To Get Ready For Your Offroad Adventure

It is now time to get ready for your offroad adventure. You have your tools, supplies, and checklists and do’s and don’ts. Make sure you have the perfect vehicle for your desires. 

Whether you’re new to off-roading or an experienced mudder, Mach1 Motorsports has the knowledge to supply you with aftermarket parts and the latest diagnostics equipment. We are focused on providing high-quality service and customer satisfaction, meeting and exceeding your expectations.

Customer service is job number one for us. We promise to be honest and not push you to purchase something you don’t need. We want you to tell your friends about us and come back whenever you need parts, service, or diagnostics. 

We will keep your off-road vehicle running like new and ensure that it is repaired correctly so you never get stuck out on the trail. Contact us today to learn what we can do to help you get out on the trails, enjoying the fresh air and challenge of mudding, climbing, or just taking a trail ride.

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